A book by Dr. Yaqub Mirza (CICW Trustee)
Five Pillars of Prosperity: Essentials of Faith-Based Wealth Building
Five Pillars of Prosperity: Essentials of Faith-Based Wealth Building by Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza provides readers with a balanced and sensible approach to financial planning and security. The book is unique in that it is written by a leading Muslim financial expert who draws on Islamic teachings while showing how these Islamic values are consistent with Jewish and Christian values.
Dr. Mirza presents a powerful and provocative case for arranging one’s life — and the material pursuits — in ways that not only benefit the reader but also society at large. He shows how the attainment of wealth and prosperity can be achieved by following five key activities: Earning, Saving, Investing, Spending, and Giving. The book is rich in investment strategies and advice and though the topic is often complex Dr. Mirza’s writings are clear and accessible to a general audience. |
Book Talks
Watch as Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza discusses his book on a webinar with the Center for Professional Development in Malaysia HERE.
GAIS -The Reading Circle Session 4 with Dr. Yaqub Mirza
Watch as Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza discusses his book on a webinar with the Center for Professional Development in Malaysia HERE.
GAIS -The Reading Circle Session 4 with Dr. Yaqub Mirza